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DbVisualizer is the universal database tool for administrators, developers, and analysts. It runs on all major OSes and connects to all commercially viable database engines.

What's new in this version

New Features
Connection Setup -Support to share a SSH configuration for multiple database connections
Added support for Cassandra
Added support for Google BigQuery
Added support for Microsoft Access
Added support for SingleStore

@import - Add the format="xxx" argument for @import

Connection Setup - Automatically reconnect when connection is lost

Connection Setup Security - SSH tunnels can now be used in DbVisualizer Free

DB Support: Azure SQL - Add support to view, create, drop, and change password for users

DB Support: Azure SQL - Introduce a "constraints" sub node to show primary, foreign keys, and referenced tables

*DB Support: SQL Server *- Introduce a "constraints" sub node to show primary, foreign keys, and referenced tables

DB Support: Greenplum - Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: PostgreSQL - Add support for killing sessions

*DB Support: Redshift *- Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: SQL Server - Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: Yellowbrick - Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: H2 - Add support for H2 version 2.x

DB Support: PostgreSQL - Support generating comment statements for triggers
Add support for generated columns in PostgreSQL Create/Alter

DB Support: SQL Server - Add support for create, modify, and drop of users and logins

Data tab - Having a where filter in the Data tab should show a different icon

Driver Manager - Used By column in the driver manager should when clicked show a list of database connections
Add "Reset Driver" command in driver manager

Export - Restrict formatting of numbers for SQL exports
Support exporting in TXT also for @export, Export Table and Export Schema

File Chooser - The choice of "list" or "details" in file choosers should be preserved between DbVisualizer sessions

OS Support: Windows - The choice of "list" or "details" in file choosers should be preserved between DbVisualizer sessions

Filtering/Filter Sets - Make it possible for table filters to be removed after a certain time

General - Make progress windows larger
Change icon for "duplicate" (yellow start) to the standard "copy" icon
Add icon to external web links to highlight that a browser will be opened

Grid Component - Add option to show images in binary type columns in grid
Add "Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT" action in Data tab. Used to copy the SELECT statement in Data tab including any grid column filters and sorting

*Import *- When Batch Import, commit at every executed batch
Make it easy setting data type for the multiple columns during import to new table
Make "Batch Import" default

Java 17 - Bundle Java 17 with installers
Support the ed25519 algorithm for SSH

OS Support: Windows - Remove support for Windows 32-bit

OS Support: macOS - The DbVisualizer window title bar background should follow General / Appearance setting in macOS System Preferences

SQL Commander - Add "@command ignore/resume" to ignore/resume executing any client-side commands
Add the "@stop now" client-side command used to stop the execution of the script

SQL History - Make "Search Full Script" default in SQL History

DbVisualizer is a feature rich, intuitive multi-database tool for developers, analysts and database administrators, providing a single powerful interface across a wide variety of operating systems. With its easy-to-use and clean interface, DbVisualizer has proven to be one of the most cost effective database tools available, yet to mention that it runs on all major operating systems and supports all major RDBMS that are available. Users only need to learn and master one application. DbVisualizer integrates transparently with the operating system being used.
DbVisualizer is available in two versions - the paid version DbVisualizer Pro with complete access to all highly optimized Pro features, and DbVisualizer Free with limited but still powerful functionalities.

DbVisualizer 12.0 works with Caché, InterSystems IRIS with generic database driver.

14.0.010 Oct, 2022
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
20 Oct, 2020
Last edited
10 Oct, 2022