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Analyze your ObjecScript source code to find bugs and vulnerabilities, obtain detailed Unit Test Coverage, and improves your software process management using your own KPIs, always focused on code quality

What's new in this version

What's new

  • Recognize Deprecated keyword
  • Accept Sharded class keyword
  • Accept Requires method keyword
  • Accept import for a list of namespaces
  • Accept usage of generic functions as arguments of DO command
  • Improvements on Method not found rule to avoid false positives:
    -- Recognize method when its class is imported
  • Improvements on Class not found rule to avoid false positives:
    -- Recognize class when its package is imported


  • Accept ispl as valid value for Language method keyword
  • Nullpointer araised in rule Incompatible argument type in a method in some cases

New rules


  • Fin bugs and vulnerabilities.
  • Unit Test Coverage.
  • Discover your Technical Debt.
  • Enforce coding standards.
  • Discover duplicated code.
  • Most common metrics: complexity, DIT, WIT, CBO, Response for Class, Halstead, SEI, and much more. Check here for a complete list.
  • Definition of Quality Gates to automatically check your KPIs on each analysis.
  • Definition of Quality Profiles to assign different set of rules to different projects.
  • API to create your own rules.
  • Connect with any InterSystems product (IRIS Data Platform, Caché, Ensemble) to retrieve source code.
  • Connect with your preferred source code manager to retrieve source code.
  • Ability to connect to your ticketing system to arise issues automatically.
  • Connect your development environment to get analysis information while working on code, available for VSCode, Atelier and Studio


For a full installation guide, click here.

3.1.127 Aug, 2020
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéEnsembleInterSystems IRIS
First published
27 Aug, 2020